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Somone I know needs help with…


Young while male looking frustrated at his laptop.

Does someone you care about find it difficult to control their anger?

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. It can help us protect ourselves and stand up against things that are wrong. At times though it can be strong and difficult to deal with. When someone is angry, they might notice their heart beating faster, or their body feeling tense.


Sometimes people clench their fists or feel hot. They might find themselves shouting, banging doors, or avoiding something or someone that’s making them feel angry. Sometimes, anger can make people hurt themselves or other people. Doing aggressive things can make a person feel more angry, often with themselves.


It can be difficult, and occasionally scary, when someone close to you is struggling with their anger.  It might be getting in the way of their relationships, or of them being able to stay in a job.


Top tips for helping someone to manage their anger:

  • Try to stay calm and listen to what they’re trying to say. This can be very difficult!
  • If an issue or situation is getting heated, encourage them to take some time out away from it, and come back to it later when they are calmer.
  • When they are calm, help them to identify what made them angry.
  • When you are both calm, tell them if they are doing things that are not okay for you. You don’t have to put up with behaviour that makes you feel unsafe.
  • Support them to reach out for professional help if they feel ready to.
  • Supporting someone who is struggling with their anger can be difficult, make sure you are looking after yourself too.


It’s important to remember that although the person you care about is struggling, anger never means it is okay for them to be violent or abusive. If your friend or family member is getting aggressive when they are angry, take steps to keep yourself safe first, before you try to support them.

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