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Loneliness and Social Isolation

Loneliness and social isolation can affect us all at some point in our lives.
Being alone and feeling lonely are different things. Most of us are more likely to feel lonely when we don’t have many people around us, but sometimes you can feel lonely when you are surrounded by people. There are lots of reasons that someone might find themselves alone.
These are just a few:
- Moving to a new area
- Being a single parent or a carer
- A relationship ending
- Children leaving home
- Retiring
- Having a physical or mental health problem that stops you doing things you used to do with people.
It can be hard to reach out and meet new people. Especially if the person you know is alone because something difficult has happened to them, such as someone close to them dying.
Trying to find the energy and courage to make new friends when they are struggling emotionally can feel like climbing a mountain. This can be sad and frustrating for the people around them.
There are lots of groups and organisations out there who can help. It might be joining an exercise group, starting a short course, doing some voluntary work, or just asking someone that they like at work if they’d like to go for a coffee.
Encourage the person you know to start with places and activities which feel more comfortable, and not to put too much pressure on themselves. If they feel nervous about trying something new, you could offer to go with them the first time.
Anniversaries and special occasions can be difficult for someone who is isolated or feeling lonely, it might be a good time to reach out to them.
If you think loneliness is affecting someone’s mental health, let them know that they can talk to you.
You could also support them to visit their doctor, or suggest they seek a social prescribing referral from their GP practice. Social prescribing connects people to activities, groups and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that can affect your health and wellbeing. Alternatively, take a look at the Get Help section below.
Organisations that can help:
- NottsHelpYourself has lots of information about different opportunities in Nottinghamshire:
- Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service can help you if you would like to volunteer
- Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service also offer the Big Green Book of nature-based activities locally:
- Do It can help you if you would like to volunteer
- Meet up is a website where you can people with the same interests
- Notts Guided Walks offer group walks locally for people of different ability levels
- Nottingham College, offer some short, part time courses for adults which are free for people with a low income or on most types of benefit
- Children’s Centres, or Family Hubs, offer activity groups for parents:
- U3A offers opportunities for people who aren’t in work anymore to come together and learn for fun.
- Age UK offer a befriending service and social activities: Combating elderly loneliness | Age UK
- Side by Side, run by MIND, is an online peer support community for people to support each other with their mental health.
Groups and events at your local library
Libraries across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have lots of free and low-cost groups which can help people connect with others and support their mental health. For example:
- Places of Welcome: now at 20 libraries across the county, a network of community venues where anyone can go to find a friendly face for a cup of tea and a chat.
- Regular events in libraries: the perfect place to meet new people and relax in a friendly space. Free or low cost to attend and cover events for under-fives, children, and adults. Fina a library event at your local Nottingham City Library or Inspire Nottinghamshire County Library.
Get Help Now!
Here are a list of services that can help. The icons below tell you the type of support available.

Talking Therapies

Base 51

Be U Notts

The Mix

Which services can I access?
Some of the services available operate only within city or the wider county area. Pop your postcode in below to quickly check which services are available to you
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