Someone I know needs help with…
Self-care for Mental Health

Just like our physical fitness, we need to look after our mental health to feel good.
When someone you know is struggling, it can be hard to know what to say or how to help. One of the most important things you can do is to encourage them to talk to you about what’s going on for them.
Just letting them know that you there and want to listen, when they’re ready, can make a big difference.
The good news is that you don’t need to have all the answers. Support means something different to everyone, so ask them if they have any ideas about how you can help them.
Encourage the person you know to get plenty of sleep and eat well, and maybe offer to help them problem solve any practical difficulties that they are dealing with.
Helping them recognise their achievements and good things about themselves can really help. While you are supporting them, don’t forget to look after yourself too.
The video below, from the BBC, focuses on five things you can do to help someone who is struggling with their mental health.
Five ways to keep you, or someone you know, mentally healthy
- Connect with other people – encourage them to spend time with family and friends, and not to rely only on social media and messaging to keep in touch.
- Be active – do regular physical activity. They don’t have to spend hours in the gym, unless they want to. Find a physical activity they enjoy doing and encourage them to make it part of their daily life.
- Keep learning – help the person who is struggling to find something new to do and learn how to do it. Help them find something they enjoy and that also challenges them.
- Be kind – encourage them to find a way to help other people. This doesn’t have to be a really big thing and sometimes the small things can really make a difference. Get them to take time to check in with a friend, or get them involved in volunteering in their local community.
- Pay attention – notice what is going on for them now, in the present moment. People often call this mindfulness.
Mindfulness is about being fully in the present moment and noticing what you’re thinking and feeling, without judging or getting caught up in your thoughts and feelings.
It’s easy for our brains to get stuck in the past, thinking about something that happened to us, or worrying and planning for what might happen next.
Mindfulness is the practice of training our attention to be in the here and now. Mindfulness isn’t a type of relaxation, although it often makes people feel more relaxed. It helps us to manage difficult feelings, and to step away from unhelpful ways of thinking about ourselves and the world.
Take a look at this video from Headspace which is about mini meditation.
Breathing techniques
Breathing exercises can help manage stress, anxiety and anger.Take some time to practice deep breathing and feeling present… If you or someone you know feels like things are overwhelming, try a breathing technique to help you feel better:
- breathe in through your nose for five seconds
- hold your breath for a moment, then
- breathe slowly out through your mouth five seconds
Breathing techniques can help you relax and sleep. Give it a go. There are lots of breathing exercises and mediations on YouTube and apps like Calm and Headspace. Take a look and find something that works for you.
Organisations that can help:
- NottsHelpYourself has lots of information about different opportunities in Nottinghamshire
- Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service can help you if you would like to volunteer
- Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service also offer the Big Green Book of nature-based activities locally
- Do It can help you if you would like to volunteer
- Meet Up is a website where you can people with the same interests
- Notts Guided Walks offer group walks locally for people of different ability levels
- Nottingham College offer some short, part time courses for adults which are free for people with a low income or on most types of benefit: ‘Improving personal exercise, health and nutrition’, ‘understanding nutrition and health’, ‘principles of weight management’, ‘understand the principles of exercise and fitness’ and ‘art for wellbeing’ courses.
- U3A offers opportunities for people who aren’t in work anymore to come together and learn for fun
- Age UK
- Ask Lion
Self-help resources
Resources at your local library
Libraries across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have a wealth of books and resources to help support your mental health. For example:
- Reading Well Collections: Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using recommended books available from your library. The books provide information and advice for people with various physical and mental health conditions, their family, friends and carers. Find out more about what is available at your local library by looking on the Reading Well pages on the Nottingham City Libraries website or the Inspire Nottinghamshire County Libraries website.
- Wellbeing Bags at Inspire Nottinghamshire County Libraries are small collections of books, items and activities which aim to encourage adult customers to practice self-care and promote good mental health. They are free to borrow with a library card.
- Health and Wellbeing Courses for adults from Inspire Learning.
- Places of Welcome: now at 20 libraries across the county, a network of community venues where anyone can go to find a friendly face for a cup of tea and a chat.
- Regular events in libraries: the perfect place to meet new people and relax in a friendly space. Free or low cost to attend and cover events for under-fives, children, and adults. Find a library event at your local Nottingham City Library or Inspire Nottinghamshire County Library.
Learn more
Get Help Now!
Here are a list of services that can help. The icons below tell you the type of support available.

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies

Nottinghamshire County CAMHS

Be U Notts

Wellness in Mind
Which services can I access?
Some of the services available operate only within city or the wider county area. Pop your postcode in below to quickly check which services are available to you
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